
Pijneducatie en informatie over pijn

  • Begrijp de pijn – Lorimer Moseley – pijn in duidelijke en goed te begrijpen taal verklaard.
  • De Pijn de Baas – F. Winter. Een handleiding met uitleg over pijn en hoe je er mee om kan gaan. Voor veel mensen met chronische pijn al een manier om weer “de pijn de baas”  te worden.
  • Leven met Pijn – Martine Veehof en Karlein Schreurs. Dit boek is gebaseerd op mindfulness en Acceptance en Commitment Therapy. Het boek bestaat uit theorie en praktijkoefeningen om te leren niet tegen de pijn te blijven vechten maar de pijn te aanvaarden en  met de pijn een waardevol leven te leiden.
  • Chronische pijn Verklaard – Doeke Keizer en Paul van Wilgen. Wat gebeurt er in ons brein en in de rest van ons centraal zenuwstelsel als er pijn optreedt? En wat gebeurt er als de pijn niet meer weggaat? Dit boek legt in begrijpelijke taal uit hoe het kan dat chronische pijn maar niet overgaat en welke factoren – lichamelijke, psychische en omgevingsfactoren – hierbij een rol spelen.
  • Pijn Waarom? B. van Cranenburgh. Pijn is de meest voorkomende maar minst begrepen klacht. Mensen met chronische pijn worden vaak niet serieus genomen en krijgen vaak verkeerde of schadelijke behandelingen. In dit boekje wordt uitgelegd hoe lichamelijke, neurologische, psychologische en sociale factoren in combinatie, een rol kunnen spelen bij het ontstaan van chronische pijn, en hoe diezelfde factoren kunnen worden ingezet bij de aanpak van chronische pijn.
  • Handboek pijnrevalidatie voor de eerste-, tweede- en derdelijns gezondheidszorg – J. Verbunt. Dit boek is een naslagwerk op het gebied van pijnrevalidatie. Als pijn niet weg te nemen is, moeten patiënten ondersteund worden op hun weg naar beter functio­neren. Het boek is onmisbaar voor profes­sionals in de eerste-, tweede- en derde­lijnszorg die werken met patiënten met (chronische) pijn, zoals fysiotherapeuten, oefentherapeuten, ergotherapeuten, psy­chologen, huisartsen, revalidatieartsen en andere medisch specialisten.
  • Het geheim van pijn (kinderboek 10+) – Floor van der Valk, Tamara van der Houwen.  In dit boek wordt op een begrijpelijke manier uitgelegd wat er allemaal in je lichaam en in je hersenen gebeurt wanneer je pijn hebt. Het boek is geschreven met als doel wetenschappelijke kennis over pijn te verspreiden op een manier die voor iedereen te begrijpen is. Aan de hand van de pijn verhalen van twee kinderen wordt je meegenomen op reis door het lichaam om te ontdekken hoe pijn ontstaat en hoe het kan dat pijn soms blijft bestaan, ondanks dat er geen schade meer is aan het lichaam.
  • Lieve help – Anna Raymann.  ‘Lieve Help’ is een uniek boek geworden, juist omdat het nu eens niet geschreven is door een deskundige arts of psycholoog, want die boeken zijn er al meer dan genoeg. Dit is het eerste boek dat zich in zijn geheel concentreert op de sociale relaties van de pijnpatiënt, met ook grote aandacht voor ‘de ander’, en dat bovendien is samengesteld met behulp van meer dan 70 andere ervaringsdeskundigen. Hierin staan de do’s and dont’s in de relatie als je chronische pijnpatiënt bent in communicatie etc. prima boekje


  • Geluk en Optimisme – Madelon Peters & Elke Smeets – Dit bewezen werkzame zelfhulpprogramma voor het bevorderen van geluk en optimisme is ontwikkeld aan de Universiteit van Maastricht.
  • Pijn en het brein – Annemarie Fleming en Joke Vollebregt. Leer er maar mee leven’ is een boodschap die niemand met chronische pijn wil horen. Wie voelt dat er iets mis is in zijn of haar lichaam, wil begrijpen wat er aan de hand is. Dit boek – geschreven door gezondheidspsychologe Annemarieke Fleming – geeft de broodnodige antwoorden. Het brein, als centrale regiekamer van ons lichaam, blijkt een grote rol te spelen. Zonder brein geen pijn.


Verdiepende achtergrondinformatie voor de liefhebber (o.a. philosophie, predictive processing, complexiteitswetenschappen)


  • Explain Pain Protectometer – Lorimer Moseley – verdieping van het boek “begrijp de pijn”, er wordt duidelijk verteld op welke manier het beschermingsmechanisme van pijn werkt.
  • An introduction to complex systems – Tranquillo, Joseph V. Studies the tools of complex system theory that include chaos and fractals, game theory, networks, agent-based models and information theory.
  • Introduction to the theory of complex systems – Stefan Thurner, Peter Klimek, Rudolf Hanel. This book is a comprehensive introduction to quantitative approaches to complex adaptive systems. Practically all areas of life on this planet are constantly confronted with complex systems, be it ecosystems, societies, traffic, financial markets, opinion formation, epidemic spreading, or the internet and social media. Complex systems are systems composed of many elements that interact with each other, which makes them extremely rich dynamical systems showing a huge range of phenomena.
  • What is a complex system? – James Ladyman, Karoline Wiesner. What is a complex system? Although “complexity science” is used to understand phenomena as diverse as the behavior of honeybees, the economic markets, the human brain, and the climate, there is no agreement about its foundations. In this introduction for students, academics, and general readers, philosopher of science James Ladyman and physicist Karoline Wiesner develop an account of complexity that brings the different concepts and mathematical measures applied to complex systems into a single framework. They introduce the different features of complex systems, discuss different conceptions of complexity, and develop their own account. They explain why complexity science is so important in today’s world.
  • Pain – The science of the feeling brain – Abdul-Ghaaliq Lalkhen. Pain is a universal human experience, but we understand very little about the mechanics behind it. We hurt ourselves, we feel pain, we seek help from a professional or learn to avoid certain behaviours that cause pain. But the story of what goes on in our body is far from simple. Even medical practitioners themselves often fail to grasp the complexities between our minds and bodies and how they interact when dealing with pain stimulus.
  • Worlds hidden in plain sight – David C. Krakauer. Over the last three decades, the Santa Fe Institute and its network of researchers have been pursuing a revolution in science. Ignoring the boundaries of disciplines and schools and searching for novel fundamental ideas, theories, and practices, this international community integrates the full range of scientific inquiries that will help us to understand and survive on a complex planet. This volume collects essays from the past thirty years of research, in which contributors explain in clear and accessible language many of the deepest challenges and insights of complexity science.
  • Emergence: A philosophical account – Paul Humphreys. Paul Humphreys argues that many of the problems affecting accounts of emergence arise from a philosophical tradition overly committed to synchronic reduction, and has been too focused on problems in philosophy of mind. He develops a novel account of diachronic ontological emergence called transformational emergence, shows that it is free of the problems raised in synchronic accounts, gives plausible examples of transformational emergence within physics and chemistry, and explains how the central ideas fit into a well-established historical tradition.
  • Science of pain – Al Basbaum, M. Catherine Bushnell. “The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Pain in general, and pain research in particular, is especially exciting as it brings together elements of so many disciplines. This book includes a wealth of information on the molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, and biochemical bases of pain.
  • Wall & Melzack’s Textbook of Pain, 6th Edition – Stephen McMahon & Martin Koltzenburg & Irene Tracey & Dennis C. Turk. This book presents all of the latest knowledge about the genetics, neurophysiology, psychology, and assessment of every type of pain syndrome. They also provide practical guidance on the full range of today’s pharmacologic, interventional, electrostimulative, physiotherapeutic, and psychological management options.
  • The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing – Dina Mendonça (Anthology Editor), Manuel Curado (Anthology Editor), Steven S. Gouveia (Anthology Editor). This book explores how predictive processing, which argues that our brains are constantly generating and updating hypotheses about our external conditions, sheds new light on the nature of the mind. It shows how it is similar to and expands other theoretical approaches that emphasize the active role of the mind and its dynamic function.
  • The predictive mind– Jakob Hohwy. A new theory is taking hold in neuroscience. The theory is increasingly being used to interpret and drive experimental and theoretical studies, and it is finding its way into many other domains of research on the mind. It is the theory that the brain is a sophisticated hypothesis-testing mechanism, which is constantly involved in minimizing the error of its predictions about the sensory input it receives from the world. This mechanism is meant to explain perception and action and everything mental in between.
  • Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, action, and the embodied mind – Andy Clark. This book brings together work on embodiment, action, and the predictive mind. At the core of the treatment is the vision of human minds as prediction machines—devices that constantly try to stay one step ahead of the breaking waves of sensory stimulation, by actively predicting the incoming flow. In every situation we encounter, that complex prediction machinery is already buzzing, proactively trying to anticipate the sensory barrage. Surfing Uncertainty shows, in detail and with numerous examples, how this strange but potent strategy of self-anticipation ushers perception, understanding, and imagination simultaneously onto the cognitive stage. Action itself suddenly appears in a new and revealing light.
  • Body sensations – The Conscious Aspects of Interoception – Köteles, Ferenc. The monograph aims to present the recent scientific knowledge on body sensations, i.e., conscious experiences that are localized or felt in the body from an internal perspective, regardless of their sensory origin. It summarizes the basic philosophical, evolutionary, neuroanatomical, psychological, and pathological aspects of the topic. Moreover, related phenomena, such as emotions, the placebo and nocebo effect, complementary and alternative medicine, and mind-body practices are discussed.
  • Handbook of systems and complexity in health – Joachim P. Sturmberg, Carmel M. Martin. Written by international experts from health services research, primary care, management studies, systems science, and organizational behavior. Applies systems science theory to population health and health care systems, with implications for health policy reform.
  • Explain pain supercharged – Lorimer Moseley and David Butler. This book is full of brand new content and will Supercharge your Explain Pain interventions in two essential ways: 1. Over the years, you’ve asked for it, and we’ve delivered – we’ve gone deep on the neuroimmune biology of pain with comprehensive sections detailing the latest from pain science research and its application to the clinic. 2. For the first time, educational science, conceptual change theory, metaphor use and curriculum development has been brought together specifically for health professionals delivering Explain Pain. 71 Neuroscience Nuggets, 15 Novellas and 4 comprehensive, targeted Explain Pain curricula have been provided, along with the framework to implement them into any treatment program.
  • Cynefin® – weaving sense-making into the fabric of our world – Snowden and friends. It is a beautiful publication that chronicles the origin story and historical evolution of the framework, personal vignettes where network members share how it has impacted their lives, and reflections by practitioners on how they have applied it across many diverse contexts. More than anything though, it is a testament to the passion and goodwill that exists in the global Cynefin network.
  • What Tends to Be -The Philosophy of Dispositional Modality –  Rani Lill Anjum, Stephen Mumford. People tend to enjoy listening to music or watching television, sleeping at night and celebrating birthdays. Plants tend to grow and thrive in sunlight and mild temperatures. We also know that tendencies are not perfectly regular and that there are patterns in the natural world, which are reliable to a degree, but not absolute. What should we make of a world where things tend to be one way but could be another? Is there a position between necessity and possibility? If there is, what are the implications for science, knowledge and ethics?
  • Who’s in charge? Free will and the science of the brain – Michael S. Gazzaniga. Michael S. Gazzaniga has been called the “father of cognitive neuroscience.” In his remarkable book, Who’s in Charge?, he makes a powerful and provocative argument that counters the common wisdom that our lives are wholly determined by physical processes we cannot control. His well-reasoned case against the idea that we live in a “determined” world is fascinating and liberating, solidifying his place among the likes of Oliver Sacks, Antonio Damasio, V.S. Ramachandran, and other bestselling science authors exploring the mysteries of the human brain.
  • Tales from both sides of the brain – Michael S. Gazzaniga. In Tales from Both Sides of the Brain, Gazzaniga tells the impassioned story of his life in science and his decades-long journey to understand how the separate spheres of our brains communicate and miscommunicate with their separate agendas. By turns humorous and moving, Tales from Both Sides of the Brain interweaves Gazzaniga’s scientific achievements with his reflections on the challenges and thrills of working as a scientist.
  • Self-Consciousness and “Split” brains: The minds’ I – Elizabeth Schechter. The largest fiber tract in the human brain is the corpus callosum, which connects the two cerebral hemispheres. A number of surgeries severing this structure were performed on adults in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. After they are surgically separated from each other in this way, a “split-brain” subject’s hemispheres begin to operate unusually independently of each other in the realms of perception, cognition, and the control of action—almost as if each had a mind of its own.
  • Better than one – how we each have two minds – David J. Uings. Starting with research by Nobel laureate Roger Sperry into split-brain patients, this book sets out the evidence that there is a conscious mind in each hemisphere of the human brain. Two forms of consciousness are distinguished, and the difference in the consciousness of each mind is revealed. The two different pathways within the human visual system and their effect on human behaviour are described, as well as differences in the memories formed by each mind. Evidence for two minds in the intact human brain is analysed, including psychological experiments and every-day experiences such as sleep-walking and driving on “automatic pilot”.
  • The Master and his emissary – the divided brain and the making of the western world – Iain Mc Gilchrist. Why is the brain divided? The difference between right and left hemispheres has been puzzled over for centuries. Drawing upon a vast body of brain research, the renowned psychiatrist, author, and thinker Iain McGilchrist reveals that the difference between the two sides is profound—two whole, coherent, but incompatible ways of experiencing the world. The detail-oriented left hemisphere prefers mechanisms to living things and is inclined to self-interest, while the right hemisphere has greater breadth, flexibility, and generosity.
  • The divided brain and the search for meaning – Iain Mc Gilchrist. In this 10,000-word essay, written to complement Iain McGilchrist’s acclaimed The Master and His Emissary, the author asks why – despite the vast increase in material well-being – people are less happy today than they were half a century ago, and suggests that the division between the two hemispheres of the brain has a critical effect on how we see and understand the world around us. In particular, McGilchrist suggests, the left hemisphere’s obsession with reducing everything it sees to the level of minute, mechanistic detail is robbing modern society of the ability to understand and appreciate deeper human values. Accessible to readers who haven’t yet read The Master and His Emissary as well as those who have, this is a fascinating, immensely thought-provoking essay that delves to the very heart of what it means to be human.
  • Ways of attending: How our devided brain constructs the world. Iain Mc Gilchrist. Forget everything you thought you knew about the difference between the hemispheres, because it will be largely wrong. It is not what each hemisphere does – they are both involved in everything – but how it does it, that matters. And the prime difference between the brain hemispheres is the manner in which they attend. For reasons of survival we need one hemisphere (in humans and many animals, the left) to pay narrow attention to detail, to grab hold of things we need, while the other, the right, keeps an eye out for everything else. The result is that one hemisphere is good at utilising the world, the other better at understanding it.
  • Causation: A very short introduction – Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum. Causation is the most fundamental connection in the universe. Without it, there would be no science or technology. There would be no moral responsibility either, as none of our thoughts would be connected with our actions and none of our actions with any consequences. Any intervention we make in the world around us is premised on there being causal connections that are, to a degree, predictable. It is causation that is at the basis of prediction and also explanation. Causation: A Very Short Introduction introduces the key theories of causation and also the surrounding debates and controversies.
  • Getting causes from powers – Stephen Mumford, Rani Lill Anjum. This book develops the theory of causal dispositionalism. Others have already suggested that a theory of causation would follow from an ontology of real dispositions or powers. This book attempts to show how. The book argues that powers come together in complex partnerships producing something together that they could not have produced alone. They will do so in a distinctly dispositional way that is not reducible to necessity. The mode of composition of causes can vary and is sometimes non-linear.
  • Causation in science – The Oxford handbook of philosophy of science – James Woodward. This article discusses some philosophical theories of causation and their application to several areas of science. Topics addressed include regularity, counterfactual, and causal process theories of causation; the causal interpretation of structural equation models and directed graphs; independence assumptions in causal reasoning; and the role of causal concepts in physics.

Rethinking causality, complexity and evidence for the unique patient. A cause health resource for healthcare professionals and the clinical encounter – Anjum, Rani Lill, Copeland, Samantha, Rocca, Elena. This open access book is a unique resource for health professionals who are interested in understanding the philosophical foundations of their daily practice. It provides tools for untangling the motivations and rationality behind the way medicine and healthcare is studied, evaluated and practiced. In particular, it illustrates the impact that thinking about causation, complexity and evidence has on the clinical encounter. The book shows how medicine is grounded in philosophical assumptions that could at least be challenged. By engaging with ideas that have shaped the medical profession, clinicians are empowered to actively take part in setting the premises for their own practice and knowledge development. Written in an engaging and accessible style, with contributions from experienced clinicians, this book presents a new philosophical framework that takes causal complexity, individual variation and medical uniqueness as default expectations for health and illness.

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